What is the Optifast Weight Loss Program and How Does It Work?
OPTIFAST® is a reduced caloric intake meal replacement system that can help with weight loss. At The Weight and Wellness Institute, we are proud to use OPTIFAST® in our weight loss programs. In fact, our practice is the only certified provider of OPTIFAST® in Rhode Island. It’s more nutritionally balanced than over-the-counter alternatives and prescribed under medical supervision.
If you are interested in exploring our weight loss options and potential with Optifast, it’s time to learn more.
How Does OPTIFAST® Work?
OPTIFAST® is a nutritionally complete meal replacement system that restricts calories. The system includes various shakes, bars, and soups that replace an individual’s regular meals and snacks each day.
Patients in the initial treatment phase typically consume not less than 800 calories per day. With Optifast, patients will eventually add healthy whole foods back into their diets in later stages and attain a maintenance level.
Keep in mind that a program like OPTIFAST®, which is done under medical supervision, is a safe and healthy choice for robust and consistent weight loss
Good candidates for OPTIFAST® include individuals who:
- Need to lose a significant amount of weight (more than 20 pounds)
- Are experiencing weight-related symptoms, such as joint pain and fatigue
- Are at risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, or other weight-related medical conditions
- Haven’t had success achieving weight reduction with other weight loss plans
Frequently Asked Questions About Optifast
Can You Eat Food on the Optifast Program?
Eating food on the Optifast program depends on which phase of the program you are in. However, no matter where you start, the program is designed for you to work toward eating normal foods as an everyday part of your lifestyle. Some Optifast participants may start off using some regular food in their program, while others may not use regular food for many months. It all depends on where you need to start and your progress.
How Long Does It Take to See Results on Optifast?
Weight loss on the Optifast program varies depending on whether you are doing the complete fast or the partial program, as well as your starting weight, gender, and commitment to physical activity Usually, women can shed about 2-4 pounds per week while men may see the scale move down about to 2-5 pounds per week. Over the 26-week treatment, Optifast participants can expect to lose between 40 to 60 pounds or more.
Are You Ready to Explore Optifast? Come to The Weight and Wellness Institute
If you are interested in learning more about Optifast and determining if it’s a viable option for reaching your weight loss goals, contact The Weight & Wellness Institute today. We’ve helped countless individuals meet their weight loss goals and create and sustain healthy lifestyle habits.
Contact us today at 401-895-9937 or request an appointment online to get started on your weight loss journey. We look forward to helping you.